Today I'm sampling Unibroue's Saison Libre, a "light beer" Saison at 4% ABV. Thankfully I saved a bottle of Blonde de Chambly for the time I neeeeed a bottled Saison.. but for now, there's Saison Libre.
Appearance: Has a bit of an East Coast IPA vibe to it: It's an opaque orange/lemon juice vibe, no clarity to it. The head is thick with a very bright snow white hue to it. The head itself diminishes pretty quickly leaving behind a thick lacing on the glass.
Aroma: Is that Citra I'm getting? Unibroue's product page doesn't tell me the hops. It's a very citrusy aroma with notes of Dove soap, lemon, leafy hops, a bit of dankness but also a zest of Belgiany goodness and a hint of bubble gum. The smell is rather too hoppy for me for it being a light Saison but in the x times I've sampled it, I liked it so far.
Taste: I get a Belgian yeastiness right at the start, giving off a bit of a bitterness, followed by a hint of bubble gum, lemon, a bit of memories of Five Alive soda, lots of hops and even more hops - bitter, mildly pine, leafy, dank, floral. At 4% it grows on you but the hops are what you have to get past the most.
Overall Thoughts: Blonde de Chambly will always be la Saison d'Unibroue. I miss seeing 750mL bottles of interesting beers and it was only a bit over six months ago the last time I'll ever see bottled Unibroue in Manitoba ever again. Does this mark the end of a 20 year love for Unibroue? No but I've been able to save a little bit of money once they moved from bottles to cans - I could justify $6.99 for a 650mL bottle but $16.99 for 4 x 473mL cans? Nope, unless if I'm going to drink them all.. and how is it more expensive per 100mL in cans than bottles?!
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