Per 500mL bottle: 135 calories, 31g Carbohydrates, 15g Sugars, 20mg Sodium.
Appearance: Pours a clear golden straw body with a good amount of carbonation in the body and a moderate snow white head on top. The head diminishes pretty quick, leaving behind minimal lacing on the glass.
Aroma: Quite a nutty-forward lager, which I'm assuming is from the hops used. It's got a moderate sweetness to it - mostly a sweet graininess but also a hint of honey as well. A bit doughy, slightly bitter.
Taste: Here we go.. Pretty much what the aroma gives off.. it's got a nutty malt characteristic with a hint of bitter hops as well, notes of raw dough, the taste of barley straight from the grainery, a bit of grass, a hint of honey. Oh, also a hint of bubble gum in there for some reason.
Overall Thoughts: Actually, it's held up not bad with it being an older batch. Is it amazing? No, but it has that classic Euro lager taste that reminds me of beers like Beck's. Pretty straightforward.
More non-alcoholic reviews can be read here
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