I had a customer today tell me: "once you're done work, you really deserve a cold beer or two!" I couldn't agree more. I'm waiting on beer to chill so in the meantime lets review a new-to-me beer: Nonsuch's New Zealand Pilsner. Nonsuch knows that if it were up to me I'd be drinking a Tripel or Saison but unfortunately no such luck over here so the NZ Pils will have to do. The first Pilsner that ever really wowed me was a NZ Pilsner called Steinlager Pure, it was crisp, high quality and had a definite hop presence to it. It's no longer available in Manitoba but other breweries come out with NZ-style Pilsners here once in a while, including Devil May Care, which have tated they would never do a Pilsner in the past.
Appearance: Clear, golden straw body with a good amount of carbonation in the body, decently thick head with a snow white hue to it. The head diminishes a bit, leaving behind a light layered lacing of foam as the beer is consumed.
Aroma: Slightly sweet with a floral, grassy and slightly bitter aroma to it. The sweetness is a slight grapefruit aroma with a hint of lemon. It's almost alfalfa-like and has a hint of black pepper to it - better than it sounds, it's actually pretty inviting.
Taste: The hops steal the show - it's got a mild pine presence to it, hint of grapefruit, a bit of alfalfa, lemon. It's very crisp and easy to drink. Slight metallic aftertaste that lasts only a brief couple seconds or so.
Overall Thoughts: Not too aggressive on the hops but for a Pilsner it's really in there. That said, it's no Steinlager but I definitely appreciate a moderately hopped Pilsner/Lager once in a while and this is definitely one of them. 4.8% ABV
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