Summit Brewing's Twins Pils: So I actually bought this beer back in the fall.. on the very same day as Game 4 of the AL playoff series between the Minnesota Twins and Houston Astros, fitting right?! The Twins Pilsner is brewed by Summit Brewing out of St Paul, Minnesota and is a German-style Pilsner that boasts a creamy white head and full body. The beer is brewed with traditional German hops and barley, as well has light citrus and honey flavors and finishes perfectly balanced and clean. 5.1% ABV
Since I bought this one, the label design has changed a bit but now on to the review!
Appearance: Crisp, pale golden straw body with a good amount of snow white head on top that diminishes pretty quickly yet leaves a decent amount of lacing on the glass. Slight of cloudiness but mostly clear, moderate amount of carbonation in the body.
Aroma: Toasted grain that gives off a bit of a nuttiness to it, floral and grassy hops, hint of lemon for citrus, a bit doughy.
Taste: A clean Pilsner with notes of straw, a bit of a floral and slightly citrus hop presence to it. The beer is very easy to drink, almost as if someone would drink this at a baseball game or something. A bit of a doughy presence near the end. Crisp, crushable, watery to the palate and leaves behind a slight hoppy aftertaste at the end that gently tickles for a moment or so.
Overall Thoughts: I wish I could have reviewed this sooner but life happens. Definitely a beer you can drink on a hot day at a baseball game or at a BBQ. It's crisp, light and easy to drink. I think this is the first beer I've reviewed by them since their Dakota Soul.. that's one that I remember fondly.
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