Appearance: Pours a murky brown with a bit of a Brandy liquor reddish brown hue to it. The head is incredibly minimal with a light amount of yellow-beige head. The head is non existent after a moment or two, but that's not too hard to believe as this beer is something like nine years old.
Aroma: Once I'm able to get the waxed cap off, I got an overwhelming aroma of the Barley Wine - very sweet with caramel, lots of booze, fig, raisins, toffee, and a tad woodiness at the end.
Taste: Quite a sweet-forward Barley Wine that is pretty much what I was hoping it would be. Lots of caramel, quite a bit of a boozy presence that gives me notes of Brandy and Whisky, it warms the body up a good deal and there's also a bit of woodiness, a hint of fig and raisins at the end.
Overall Thoughts: This beer could have gotten incredibly oxidized, flat and give off a lot of a cardboard-like flavour to it but this tastes pretty much like what I remembered this tasting like way back when. Absolutely stellar, aged incredibly well, but I don't think it would've aged any better over time so it was a good time to open this one up.
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