From the website: Craft Beer, copper color, elaborated with only four ingredients: 100% malts, mix of pale malts and roasted and smoked malts. Water. Our own Ale yeast. Hops: A mixture of American and European varieties giving a high bitterness degree with fine, intense, pleasant scent and intense flavour.
6.5% ABV
Appearance: Pours a dark red ale, reminiscent of an old classic English Pub Ale. Lots of carbonation in the body and a light amount of beige head on top of the beer.
Aroma: Sweet, malty, biscuity and tad earthy. I get a heavy dose of caramel, a tad bit of nuttiness, bit of a raisiny/fig presence to it.
Taste: Quite a sweet-forward caramelly ale with a toasted malt presence that gives of a slight bitterness to it, slight amount of American/Euro hop presence that has a bit of a piney bitterness but also a hint of grassiness. Dark, not too heavy. Slightly burnt malt aftertaste, fairly dry on palate.
Overall Thoughts: While I haven't had it in several years but I think the closest contemporary you may find this beer is Modelo Negra or an English Ale meets a Bock. Quite sweet, tad nutty and bitter hoppiness at the end.
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