Review: 2 Crows I Love You Brett Saison

I Love You
is a 4.9% Brett Saison brewed by 2 Crows Brewing out of Halifax. The beer contains barley, wheat, oats, rye, hops, lactobacillus, yeast and lemon verbena. Described as dry, funky and herbal.

Appearance: Pours a moderately clear with a slight haziness to it, light golden straw body, lots of carbonation in the body and a bright snow white head on top.

Aroma: I expected a lot of Brettiness but I got more of a lemon vibe with a slight woodiness from the rye and even a hint of cucumber somehow. Then I smelled it again, it has a slight tartness/funk from the Brett but it's pretty much subdued. Decently floral, tad grainy.

Taste: After the lightness of the aroma, I wasn't expecting a punch to the face. The Brett hit me pretty hard with a very tart and lemony presence, a bit of funkiness of Brett, a slight sweetness to it, slight woodiness and a slight vegetal presence that I definitely got in the aroma (cucumber, but more faint this time). The aftertaste is pretty much a huge squeeze of lemon that lingers a good moment on my palate before diminishing ever so gradually.

Overall Thoughts: The weather is finally starting to warm up in my neck of the woods so this is pretty much what I'd want right about now, but just in small samples because it gets pretty heavy on the stomach quickly. Another winner by 2 Crows!

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