From the label: Ommegang Abbey Ale is directly influenced by the patience and wisdom of the benedictines, who ever seek divine union - a pretty high standard for an ale, but a good one, we think. Deep burgundy colour, rich and malty, enjoy with savory dishes, rich cheeses, and almost every desert. Ale brewed with Licorice, Root Star Anise, Sweet Orange Peel, Coriander, Cumin. 8.2% ABV
Appearance: Murky dark brown with a bit of a mahogany appearance to it. Starts out with a thick amount of beige head that diminishes to absolutely nothing except a few bubbles near the glass.
Aroma: Definitely nowhere near fresh as it would've been three or four years ago but seems alright so far. Notes of toffee, brown sugar, raisins and figs, and a bit of a bready malt. There's a bit of woodiness and a hint of cardboard in there as well.
Taste: Sweet with notes of toffee and brown sugar (tad burnt brown sugar). There's fig and raisins popping up for fruit. There's also a bit of a nuttiness and a hint of woodiness. Fairly mellow for a Belgian-style Dubbel. Hint of cardboard at the end. Earthy hops, aftertaste has a bit of a hop bitterness and a hint of figs. Sweet, malty Belgian-style Dubbel but not as sweet as many.
Overall Thoughts: Not bad for being a six year old bottle, though definitely not fresh. Lots of caramel, toffee and brown sugar, as well as dark fruits. Not as bitter nor boozy as say.. Maudite by Unibroue though.
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