Appearance Special pours a dark orange opaque body with a light amount of carbonation in the body, while the head is a fairly thick with yellowish-beige hue in appearance, barely diminishes at first but leaves behind a light amount of bubbles on the glass.
Aroma: The foedre pops out instantly to give off a lot of an oaky presence with a bit of red wine and vanilla popping up here and there. Decently tart/sour with a bit of a sweetness to it - hint of honey and honeycomb to give it a bit of a wildflower presence to it. Slight hint of bubble gum at the very end. Sweet but mostly from the honey, more tart than sweet. Hint of lemon at the end.
Taste: Very tart forward presence to it, it's funky, it's got a lot of lemon, a bit of barnyard presence, a hint of soap. The honey pops out to give it a nice sweetness to it, as well as a bit of a wildflower presence to it, but the tartness is pretty much the most dominant thing about this beer. Quite tart/sour, lemony, moderately oaky, hint of grass from hops. Pretty heavy on the stomach, but not surprising. The mouthfeel is sour with a good amount of carbonation, while the aftertaste is a hint of pear.
Overall Thoughts: Pretty heavy on the stomach but not surprising as how tart/funky it is. It's a tad sweet from the honey, has a bit of a grassiness to it as well. Nice funky beer but a bit much for me at the moment.

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