Appearance: Hazy and cloudy Pilsner with a lemon-yellow/straw body. There's a lot of lines of carbonation going on, while the head is moderate, thick and snow white.
Aroma: The first thing I get is the Brett, giving off a funky, sour and lemony aroma to it. There's a moderately German Pilsner vibe coming out of it, crisp, light graininess and a bit of grassiness from the hops.
Taste: Light amount of sourness right from the beginning - lemon, funky, bit of barnyard, wood and a hint of bubble gum. Once I get past the Brett, I get a lot of the classic German Pilsner out of it with light toasted grain, grassy hops and a fairly crisp presence on the palate. The aftertaste is a light amount of funk and toasted malt.
Overall Thoughts: The Pils has a sweet maltiness (almost honey), crisp profile but then a moderate Brett vibe. I really don't know what to think, the combination of Brett and German Pilsner confuses my palate a bit.. I get the funkiness of Brett, but then I get the Pilsner notes, they're clashing a bit, but not bad for a Pilsner.

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