Today's review is Parallel 49's Filthy Dirty IPA. This is a review I thought I did at one point.. but apparently I didn't! I've seen this on the local LC shelves for a long time but I would always skip this and their Trash Panda.. as for Trash Panda, I'm just not a fan of the beer, but I may review it one day.
From the can: It's time to get down and dirty. This West Coast IPA may be full of filthy amounts of fruity & tropical hop character, but it's nothing but clean on your palate. All those other IPAs are a boar, we're here to hog the spotlight. 7.2% ABV.
Appearance: Slightly cloudy amber ale in appearance with a light amount of carbonation and a light amount of floaty bits throughout the body of the beer. The head is moderate with a bit of a yellowish beige hue on it. The head diminishes pretty quickly with a sprinkling of lacing on the side of the glass.
Aroma: Sweet with a caramel malt forward presence to it, as well as a moderate hop presence that gives off notes of pine, grapefruit and a light floral presence. It's sweet but bitter.
Taste: Again, it's a sweet forward IPA with a presence of caramel/toffee to it. Decent amount of hop presence that gives off a bit of pine, a hint of alfalfa, grapefruit, lemon and a slight woodiness. The beer is pretty heavy on the stomach but doesn't come off as quite boozy so far, in fact it's pretty easy to drink. The mouthfeel I'm not really getting much from, a bit of carbonation and hint of acidic presence to it, while the aftertaste is a hint of pine and grapefruit which doesn't linger for long.
Overall Thoughts: Seeing that I'm writing this review at the farm, I only realized after the fact that I could've gotten some great photos of this Filthy Dirty beer in the corral, but it was too late. The beer is sweet with a good deal of caramel, decently bitter and a hint of lemon citrusness. The 7.2% ABV pops out with a bit of heaviness on the stomach at the end. I for sure prefer their Jerkface 9000 a lot more, that one is a classic, but this is certainly acceptable by my palate.
42 liens du 9 mai 2020
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