Today's review in isolation is In a Nutshell Peanut Butter Porter from Winnipeg's Grain to Glass Brewing & Homebrew shop. I believe this may be the first time I've ever reviewed anything by Grain to Glass, unless if I've reviewed something for the Brandon Sun, but currently I'm not too sure. I'm not a homebrewer but I visited the homebrew store with my buddy Ben a year or two ago, really nice homebrew store with knowledgeable staff and great selection, including hops from the always great Prairie Mountain Hops out of Boissevain.
In a Nutshell is 6.2% ABV and contains barley, hops, natural peanut extract (peanuts) and yeast. There's not many peanut butter beers available in Manitoba but nutty beers are starting to become more popular here.
Appearance: Dark and rich black body, typical for your everyday porter. The head is fairly light with a three-quarters of a finger worth of light caramel head on top.
Aroma: Full on peanutty, it's not really a Reese Peanut Butter Cup like I've seen in the past by many breweries - this is more of a roasted peanutty aroma with a hint of roasted malt and a light amount of milk chocolate. It's fairly sweet but not overly chocolate bar as a drink sweet.
Taste: Quite a creamy porter with a rich and roasted peanuttiness to it. It's decently sweet with a moderate amount of milk chocolate, a bit of a roasted malt but doesn't really give off much of a roasted bitterness to it. Fairly sweet but not too sweet. Smooth on palate and the aftertaste is peanuts and a hint of caramel.
Overall Thoughts: Decently nutty porter that's sweet but not overly sweet like many peanut butter porters or stouts out there. I say this a lot in too many of my reviews.. but it's quite smooth, in fact.. the beer was gone before I was able to write this part up.
42 liens du 9 mai 2020
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