Trooper's lyrics "..And the sun is shinin' in this rainy city" from "We're Here for a Good Time (Not a Long Time)" describes Burnaby, BC's Dageraad Brewing's Rainshine pretty well. When I was in Vancouver and area two months ago, rainshine was very common.. it'd be pouring rain but sunny at the same time.
Dageraad's Rainshine is a Hoppy Blonde Ale with Grapefruit Peel. From the label: "British Columbians know that we can't wait for the rain to stop before we get off the couch. A sunny Blonde Ale brewed with Citra hops and Grapefruit peel. Rainshine will brighten your day, no matter the weather. Ingredients: Malted barley, wheat, sugar, hops, grapefruit peel, Belgian yeast, water." 6.0% ABV
I originally picked up a can of this at Dageraad but saved it for a buddy, so when I saw this at Quality Beer Store in Winnipeg, I had to buy it.
Appearance: Bright golden appearance with a typical Belgian Golden ale haziness to it. Light carbonation in the body and a light snow white head on top of the beer, mostly around the rim with a light amount of bubbles in the middle.
Aroma: Citrusy, Belgian yeast, a very light amount of tartness and a light grassy and floral hop presence at the end. Notes of lemon, a good dose of grapefruit peel, and a light herbal presence at the end that reminds me a very subtle hint of something reminiscent to peppermint but not peppermint at all.
Taste: Quite a hoppy Blonde Ale with a good amount of bitter pine presence, a lot of grapefruit, lemon, Belgian yeast, a bit of a sweet sugary presence that brings me back memories of Muskoka Legendary Oddity, and a bit of a peppery spice to it. Slightly tart, dry mouthfeel and a grapefruit and pine aftertaste to this beer.
Overall Thoughts: Once this isolation is over, I can't wait to pick up more of this beer. This is citrusy, grapefruity, bitter, yeasty and dry. Prior to January, I never got to ever try Dageraad and it's been a brewery I've been recommended many, many times in the past two or three years now. Stay safe, friends!
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