Review: Boréale Diamant Brut

I've been a fan of Boréale since 2006 but in the last couple years they've been really knocking it out of the park, while they've traditionally only really created some more traditional style beers such as Rousse Red Ale, but with their huge success of their IPA du Nord-Est a few years back, they've been experimenting with different styles and seasonals quite a bit. I picked up a few of their beers to take home from visiting Montreal a few months ago with Diamant Brut Brut IPA being one of them.

From the website: 
"Beyond its fruity and juicy IPA character, this refined creation boasts lively bubbles and a dry finish. Hopped to the same intensity as our IPA N-E, Diamond Brut feels much lighter—its blonde body is slightly cloudy and airy, its carbonation is higher than usual, and the finish shows no signs of residual sugar. The tropical fruit notes of pineapple are at the same time confident and subtle.
It’s a beer that’s rich in flavour yet delicate—a festive ale that surprises the taste buds during happy hour or with friends over a gourmet dinner."

Appearance: Pours a cloudy lemon-orange body with a minor amount of carbonation taking place in the body, while the head is a moderate two fingers thick of off-white head that gradually diminishes to a light amount of lacing on the side of the glass.

Aroma: Fairly sweet and citrusy with a bit of lemon and a bit of grape must, melon, a tad floral hop presence, and a sweet grainy presence.

Taste: Floral hop presence right from the beginning with a bit of a citrus presence (lemon), sweet and notes of caramel, hint of pine and a hint of grape must. Very dry on the palate and decently carbonated on the palate. The aftertaste is a bit of a grainy malt presence as well as a hint of hop bitterness.

Overall Thoughts: I've had a few Brut IPAs in the past six months and a lot of them seemed all over the IPA spectrum but this one seems to be what the style is about. It's moderately hoppy, sweet yet dry, decent amount of carbonation on the palate and a moderate tropical fruit presence to it.

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