Review: Barn Hammer Strawbrarian Milkshake IPA

I've been wanting to try this beer since it was announced back in the summer, but I only finally got to try it now - I'm trying out Strawbrarian Milkshake IPA by Winnipeg's Barn Hammer Brewing. I bought this at Barn Hammer the other day but I don't think this has been in production for at least a few months now. Strawbrarian is 6.2% ABV and has 30 IBU.

Appearance: Pours a thick peach with a hefty amount of off-white head on top. It takes quite a while for the head to diminish, leaving behind a sprinkling of lacing on the side of the glass. There's also a hefty dose of sediment at the very bottom of the glass.

Aroma: Rich strawberry presence with a mild sour presence to it. Bit of a creaminess. Fresh strawberry goodness.

Taste: There's a decent sweetness to it with notes of strawberry, as well as a little bit of a creaminess from the milkshake aspect of this IPA. Light sourness once the sweetness passes.

Overall Thoughts: This could've been quite a bit creamier and heavier on the palate than it actually is - I was hoping this would be like a nice creamy strawberry ripple ice cream. The strawberry presence is there but there's not that much creaminess.

While at Barn Hammer, I also picked up a can of 66 NEIPA, which I reviewed here back in the summer.

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