Parallel 49 Hillbilly Ninja Hazy Pale Ale

Parallel 49 Brewing's Hillbilly Ninja is a hazy Pale Ale described as a light, refreshing pale ale with a silky smooth mouthfeel with a strong, peach, orange, and papaya hop aroma flavour. 5.0% ABV

Appearance: Pours a hefty, thick orange body with no real carbonation in the bottle itself, the head is   light and beige-ish and leaves behind a light amount of lacing once the beer goes down a bit.

Aroma: There's notes of orange peel, grapefruit and bitter pine hops. There's also some caramel malt presence to it, a hint of lemon. So far, I was expecting it to be more juicy and tropical though it's fairly sweet so far.

Taste: Has a bit of an off not so fresh taste to it - this was canned back in May 11th so it's definitely a bit old at this point. Notes of caramel, orange peel, lemon, a hint of woodiness, and some tropicalness of lime and grapefruit.

Overall Thoughts: Meh, there's a moderate tropical hazy presence but it's a bit off. It's reminding me a bit of Trash Panda but a bit sweeter.. and I'm not a fan of that one either.

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