New England-style IPAs are so in style right now that every brewery and their dog is creating a New England-style IPA. Today, it's Fernie Brewing's turn with Hit the Deck. The beer is described as light, cloudy, low in bitterness, but light in hop flavour and aroma.
Appearance: Pours a hazy orangey/straw body with a moderate amount of carbonation in the beer and two finger's worth of off-white head. Looks a bit lighter compared most NE IPAs.
Aroma: There's a hint of grapefruit, pineapple juice and a sweet doughiness to it. I would have liked to see more of that pineapple popping out because it's just TOO light in aroma for me.
Taste: Starts out a bit grainy, there's various different hop profiles to it - I get a bit of a grassy and earthy hop presence in there, a hint of pine, tea, and a hint of pineapple & grapefruit from the Galaxy hops. The aftertaste is a light leafy and pine bitterness - only really pops up at the very end.
Overall Thoughts: The beer itself isn't bad at all - it has a decent hop presence (pine, grass, earthy, fruity), easily better than most of their other IPA releases I've had.. but as a New England IPA, it's underwhelming.. very underwhelming. I wouldn't consider this a New England IPA as it's missing that overly juicy flavour to it, but it's still alright regardless.
42 liens du 9 mai 2020
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