Review: St Ambroise Apricot Wheat Ale

FINAFUCKINGLLY! It only took a bajillion years for A St Ambroise (McAuslan) product to come to Manitoba. I don't know what took so bloody long seeing that Saskatchewan Liquor Stores have had sold their beers for at least a decade now. Unfortunately for me, it's only one beer - St Ambroise Apricot Wheat Ale.. and it's only available for the Coast to Coaster event at the MLCC. So.. that means once this event is over, no more St Ambroise.. or actually - the event is not even done yet and the beer sold out within a few days in Brandon, making it impossible to find it. Ah well, at least I was able to pick up enough to do a review, finally.

Appearance: Pours a light honey orange/yellow in appearance, a finger worth of light beige foam with remnants of the foam sticking to the side of the glassware. Incredibly carbonated, more carbonation than your typical macro lager.

Aroma: Apricots! Peaches! Actually, I've never had an apricot before but I still remember trying it for the first time in 2012, all I remember about it was HOLY FUCK THIS IS TASTY! IT SMELLS AND TASTES LIKE PEACHES! The aroma alone has a very fruity, summer time patio essence to it. There's a light amount of whole wheat breadiness from the malt and yeast.. and yeah.. apricots!

Taste: The sweetness isn't as powerful here as it was in the aroma, it's more neutral but you still get a nice fruity apricot flavour to it. The wheat bread flavour is much more dominant here but what's surprising me is that there's a good amount of earthy, peppery spiciness coming from the hops (I assume), but it doesn't hurt the beer at all.

Overall Thoughts: A very solid product by Brasserie McAuslan, but I may not be able to savour this again anytime soon unless if the MLCC starts full on pushing McAuslan's products in the near future.. bring on the Oatmeal Stout!

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