Unibroue's known for their staples like La Fin du Monde, Blanche de Chambly, Maudite and 17 Grande Réserve. To most of us outside of Quebec, we aren't familiar with Unibroue's "U" line of beers, which includes a Blonde, Miel (Honey) and Rousse (Red) Lager. This line of beer can't be compared to Unibroue's most popular products as these products were developed in the early days of Unibroue to compete against Molson and Labatt in the discount beer market. Even with all the success Unibroue has had, the "U" line still exists. I found a case of Unibroue U Rousse Amber Lager at a small family owned dépanneur near my hotel - the sign stated $14.99, but the price was cut to $12.99. So at a price like that, I can't say no!
Appearance: Pours a rich caramel red beer with a bit of a honey hue. Nice amount of off-white head clinging to the er.. hotel plastic glass.
Aroma: Bit of caramel maltiness, hint of honey, light nuttiness and a grainy profile. Reminiscent of most more macro red amber lagers/ales.
Taste: It's very smooth, a bit of a tinny aftertaste, a bit of a caramel sweetness, a hint of nuttiness, fairly light and a bit of a grassy profile.
Overall Thoughts: Compared to the cousin beer Sleeman Honey Brown, I think I actually prefer this one. It's not great but this is a very smooth lager that takes 0 effort to gulf down. At the price ($12.99 before tax + deposit) - is substantially better than the competition in the discount beer section at Quebec dépanneurs.
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