From my bièrcation hoard (circa April 2013) here lies Provision Tennessee Saison Foncée Fumée by Gaspésie's own Pit Caribou. Provision Tennessee is part of Pit Caribou's Tennessee Series of beers that are aged in Tennessee Whiskey barrels to give it a nice oaky and sweet zing to the beer. The Provision Tennessee is a Smoked Dark Saison, a first for me, but three things are popular right now: Dark versions of non-dark styles of beers (ie Black IPA), saisons and of course aging EVERYTHING in barrels. This is a bit of all three!
Appearance: Holy Dinah, this beer is gushing every where, time to get out of the towl.. but as soon as it finally settles down, it pours a dark nutty brown ale with a ruby red hue to it as it glistens in the sunlight that's creeping through the window. A cookie dough light-brown foamy head that doesn't really want to go down.
Aroma: Aroma of some smokiness in there, possibly smoked oak, it reminds me of a thick BBQ sauce on ribs in the BBQ on a hot summer afternoon. A smidge of American whiskey, some Belgian yeast to give it that saisonesque arôme that we all know. Light tartiness.
Taste: First: a smokey barbecue sauce, not as smokey as say a hickory BBQ sauce but certainly reminiscent of a nice southern BBQ sauce. Sweet notes of whisky and oak and a bit of a Belgian yeastiness in it. It does have characteristics that remind me of a saison but it's so dark that the smoke and oak hide it for the most part. A bit of a firewood aftertaste. A slight tartiness in there as well.
Overall Thoughts: This is a very interesting take on saisons by Pit Caribou and has long since been discontinued.. not sure if they will do it again, but I'm glad I hid this bottle as it's a nice take on a smoked dark ale aged in American whiskey barrels meets a saison, something I've never tried before.. especially with myself being a saison freak.
I was hoping for more of a whiskey presence in the flavour, but the smokiness is certainly good if you're someone who loves smoked beers like I do, as well.
7.0% ABV, 62 IBU, aged in 33% aged in oak barrel.
« La Provision Tennessee est une bière d'hiver pour les amateurs de type saison. Foncée sans en avoir l'amertume du malt grillé, elle a des notes dominantes de malt fumé. »
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