Love the play on words on this beer, Sleighr.. Slayer.. get it? Right? Right?! Even a similar logo. One more beer after this and then it will be Christmas.. boo urns to Christmas.. yes I am a Grinch, because I don't want the beer advent calendar to run out, and I work retail.. Boxing Day is hell on earth.
Ninkasi Brewing Sleighr Dark Double Alt Ale is a seasonal tradition dating back to 2009. Described as A delicious Northwest seasonal brewed with winter in mind. A dark doüble alt ale, malty and delicious, it's sure to keep the winter at bay. And yes, Sleigh'r does rock!
I don't know where most of these breweries think they are? Most of these winter themed beers aren't going to fend off a true Manitoban winter, but ha! They can try ;)
Appearance: Dark nutty brown in colour, not clear at all, minimal beige head.
Aroma: A tad bit sour, almost a sour cherry, quite tart. Lightly bready, nice sweet caramel malt, A bit aggressive to the nose. Quite sweet and lightly toasted malt.
Taste: Nowhere near as tart/sour as the aroma would lead one to believe. It gives off a nice creamy mouthfeel with a bit of a lightly roasted maltiness to it. Toasted grains, bit of woodiness in there.. reminiscent of BBQ sauce, medium amount of bitterness, toffee, some nuttiness in there, quite smooth. Lightly roasty giving it slight coffee notes, quite light on the palate and tasty.
Overall Thoughts: Nice sweet and lightly roasted ale, at 7.2%, it's not too strong. Quite a sour aroma compared to the flavour but don't judge a beer by its aroma as I say.
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