Another photo, another review. This time it's Imperial White witbier by Sam Adams. Witbiers are the style that grew on me the most more than any other beer style before I was turning into a beer geek.. thanks to beers like Unibroue's Blanche de Chambly and the explosion of success of Rickard's White.
Sam Adams' Imperial White is a witbier-style ale brewed with spices and coriander. It comes out at 10.3% ABV so it's WELL over double the ABV of the standard witbier on the market today, but hey.. this isn't your ordinary witbier, it's an IMPERIAL witbier!
Appearance: A thick dark copper brown with a hue of an amber honey, good amount of micro-carbonation. Reminiscent of Good Host iced tea, even the head is reminiscent of it.. not much head, a thin beige layer draping the side of the glass while bubbles pop up to the top.
Aroma: Dark fruits, plums, coriander, minimal orange peel, light caramel sweetness coming from the malt. Thick boozy smell as well as a thick syrupy aroma in there that is reminiscent of a rich barley wine.. quite a strong beer for a wit.
Taste: The taste is as strong as the aroma. Some notes that remind me of a barley wine, this isn't a witbier that you'll drink down.. hell.. it's only 355mL and I'd recommend sharing this with a friend. Dark fruitiness, coriander, boozy, incredibly syrupy and there's a bit of a syrupy and bitter aftertaste lingering on my palate for aftertaste. Some vanilla, decent amount of coriander.. quite a savour worthy beer.
Overall Thoughts: From a brewery as large as Sam Adams, they can show that they can brew beer as well as the micros. A very sweet, strong, syrupy take on a witbier. Sam Adams' Imperial White is a great beer to age over time as it has only gotten more syrupy over time. Reminiscent in ways to a nice barley wine.. dark fruitiness, syrupy, a sip & savouring beer.. not something you can drink lots of. At 10.3%, share this with a friend!
42 liens du 9 mai 2020
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