After last night's fiasco.. my roommate who always gets drunk on his nights off, so he ends up running out of beer so asks for my beer, I say no, he goes bezerk and ends up screaming at creepy roomie for an hour.. I've decided I REALLY need to clean out my hoard to prevent alcoholism from taking over this place.. so time to start purging from my hoard and reviewing from said purge! Win/Win amirite?! Now time for Phillips Brewing's Longboat Chocolate Porter.. generally porters in the summer time are just hard to drink as it's generally more of a winter time treat, but hey.. beer's beer!
Appearance: Pours a thick black, dark chocolate & black coffee, very very thick, it's like a breakfast beverage! A nice thick creamy cookie dough light-brownness, this is your standard stout/porter in appearance.
Aroma: Reminds me of chocolate chip cookie dough, lots of chocolate in there, some dark chocolate as well as some milk chocolate, roasted coffee malty notes, a bit of an ice creamy sweetness, a bit of a bitter alcohol pungent note in there too. This seems like the kind of stout that would be great as an ice cream flavour, hint hint amateur ice cream makers!
Taste: Basically the same as what I just smelled - creamy chocolatey goodness with roasted coffee beans, quite sweet and creamy to the palate, one of the better chocolate-based porters out there as most are more of a coffee first, chocolate later, but this is certainly what I would call a dessert porter, yum! Dark chocolate for the most part, very quality chocolate, reminds me of chocolate you would get from a local chocolaterie.
Overall Thoughts: A very solid porter by the guys over at Phillips Brewing in Victoria, if you love dark chocolate, coffee and.. beer! Then you will love this porter, enjoyable as a dessert, or possibly as an ice cream! Cost $7ish before taxes, comes in a really cool 650ml bottle that reminds me of oldschool whisky bottles and is 5.2% ABV.
Drink Less, Drink Better
42 liens du 9 mai 2020
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