Fort Collins, Colorado's New Belgium Brewery has quickly turned into one of my favourite American breweries, lots of solid microbrews at an affordable price, many of their beers aren't quite Belgianesque (such as their Fat Tire), but alas - they make some amazing beers either way. Since I need to clean out my hoard, time to review New Belgium's Trippel.
New Belgium's Trippel is a triple ale brewed with coriander, not sure why they had to advertise that right on the label, as a LOT of Belgian ales already come with coriander as it is.
The trippel is 7.8% ABV, about average for your standard Belgian-style tripel, and is gonna be a good one!
Appearance: Pours a very clear lageresque golden straw, decent amount of carbonation taking place, to the untrained beer drinker, just looking at the beer makes you think it may be a lager, just like most Tripels out there. Thick head of creamy white foam, that, as I continue to drink.. starts to cling against the sides of the glass.
Aroma: Obviously coriander is big in here, not the most coriander-rich beer I've had, Blue Moon/Rickard's White, by far, has substantially more coriander. A sweet fruity & citrusy zest of lemon peel, banana and a bit of orange. Decent amount of Belgian yeastiness gives it a bit of a bready aroma to it as well. Lightly peppered.
Taste: On par with most Belgian tripels I've had, a boozey, citrusy, and somewhat bitter Belgian ale that makes this beer geek's palate go yum! It has a great amount of citrus and fruitiness of lemon zest (again), a bit of orange and banana. The yeastiness and coriander are quite dominant in this beer, so if you don't like an overly yeasty beer like most Belgian ales are, you won't like this, but the coriander helps balance out the bitterness of the yeast and light hops from the sweetness of lemon/orange/banana.
Overall Thoughts: I'd drink this again, not as citrusy as some Tripels out there on the market, but if you like golden Belgian ales like I do, then you'd be guaranteed to love this.
42 liens du 9 mai 2020
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