Well, I got a phone call from my mom this afternoon, apparently there's a tornado warning (not a sharknado warning) for the farm area.. for fuck sakes.. there's a tornado warning there every year, and 6 years ago, one actually hit the farm. So I'm here shaking, hoping the farm won't be hit again, even though the path it's going to hit is right by the farm. So, I'm here trying to keep my mind busy so.. time for another review.
BeerCrank.ca (AKA Cranky Beer Blog) is hitting 100,000th view sometime in the next few hours, which is quite surprising because I never thought people would take me seriously as a blogger, but apparently Americans and people in BC/Quebec do! I love you guys and gals!
Tonight's review is of Bells Brewery's Two Hearted Ale, a very popular beer on /r/beerporn on Reddit.com. Two Hearted Ale is an American style IPA, so it's definitely going to be hoptastic.
Appearance: The clouds are getting darker as I open up this beer, a storm is a-brewin', but the beer itself is cloudy, a rich golden IPA, almost reminiscent of a witbier as it's that cloudy. Thick creamy beige foam, a very beautiful IPA, something that hopefully will calm these cranky nerves down.
Aroma: A sweet, hoppy, malty blend that makes it a really appetizing IPA. It has a punch of floral hops, some lemon zest, and a nice yeastiness that gives it a nice aroma that hop fans will enjoy. Slightly bready, but overall, very solid.
Taste: This is what your standard microbrew IPA should taste like, a thick, hoppy, sweet bready brew that makes your tummy go yum! Has a great hoppiness (slight grapefruit) from the Centennial hops, a nice caramel sweetness coming from the malt, quite bready with a bunch of yeast, and a zest of lemon to top it off. It leaves a bit of a metallic & bitter aftertaste on the palate, but hey.. don't most IPAs leave a bitter aftertaste?
Overall Thoughts: While the tornado warning is still bothering me, and it's getting really dark out there.. this is a good IPA, great floral hoppiness, sweet caramel malts that slightly mellow it more than most bitter bitter IPAs out there, yeasty and easy to drink if you like bitter hoppy IPAs, like I do. It was fairly affordable as it was just under $10 for a 6-pack in North Dakota. It has 7.1% ABV and I'll be buying this again.
Bell's Two Hearted Ale
42 liens du 9 mai 2020
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