I have no clue what style of beer that Brooklyn Brewery's Sorachi Ace beer was, but when I first heard of it, I was like "what? A sriracha beer? That just seems really weird!" But turns out it's not that at all.. thank goodness. Turns out Brooklyn's Sorachi Ace is a Belgian-style saison, fermented in a big-assed 750ml corked bottle. I love them saisons, yknow! Sorachi Ace is a rare Japanese variety of hops, so here we go!
Appearance: Pours like a good saison would, a deep peach colour, with a nice haziness to it, a minimal amount of sediment so far, thick creamy head at the top, I've drank my share of saisons back in the day, and this one looks spectacular.
Aroma: Light yet citrusy, it has aromas of coriander, light spices, a sprinkle of citrus and a squirt of lemon, slightly peppery.
Taste: I've never said this about a beer in my entire life, but this tastes like dill pickles, it seriously does. If you've ever wondered what a dill pickle beer would be like, it would actually pretty decent as a saison, it's not overwhelming, while dill pickley, it has still has the awesomeness of regular saisons standing out, the coriander, the lemon and orange flavours, sweet citrus, and a great Belgian yeast aftertaste lingering on the tongue.
Overall Thoughts: I thought my tastebuds were off when I thought it tasted like dill pickles as checking out reviews on Beer Advocate, nobody seemed to taste the dill pickle in it, but according to Wikipedia, the Sorachi Ace hops, it's known to give off a lemon/bubblegum AND dill pickle flavours to it, so that makes sense. Very solid saison, one I could drink again and again. It has 7.6% ABV but it seems more like it would be closer to 5% but hey, nothing wrong with that!
From the bottle: Brooklyn Sorachi Ace is a classic saison, a crackingly dry, hoppy unfiltered golden farmhouse ale, but featuring the rare Sorachi Ace hop. Fermented with our special Belgian ale strain, we add more Sorachi Ace hops post-fermentation. After 100% bottle re-fermentation with Champagne yeast, the ale emerges with a brith spicy lemon zest aroma. It tastes like sunshine in a glass, and that suits us just fine, especially with seafood dishes and fresh cheeses.
42 liens du 9 mai 2020
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