It seemed like years ago when Muskoka Brewery's Twice as Mad Tom IPA (DIPA) was released. It fiiiiiiinally was released here in Manitoba, with giddiness from fellow beer geeks, as Muskoka is one of the most solid breweries in all of Canada.
I love DIPAs, and since Muskoka's Mad Tom IPA is already one of the best IPAs in all of Canada, this HAS to be a tasty brew.
Appearance: A clear yet nutty caramel appearance with a beigey creamy foam, a big source of salivation for moi.
Aroma: Not as scary for aroma as most DIPAs, this is more of a floral and sweet aroma, akin to the standard Mad Tom IPA or say Hop Head from Tree Brewing. There's a nice caramel sweetness, a zest of lemon, floral hops, a bit of spiciness that reminds me of pepper, and overall - a very solid balance of flavours.
Taste: Not as much zing as I would have though. I expected bitterness in the flavour, overpowering flavours as it is a "double india pale ale", but actually, it's quite mellow. The floral hops are still there, but it's mostly a mellow IPA with some bitterness that leaves a BIT of a bitter afterbite, but not much in reality when compared to DIPAs like Humulus Ludicrous from Half Pints. A sweetness of caramel, a bit of lemon. Insanely easy drinkable if you are looking for a tasty IPA. This is pint worthy, the kind of IPA you could have with friends and discuss politics, hockey, music and watch the day go by. I'm mixed as I am disappointed it isn't as bitter and in my face as I would have thought for a Double IPA, but at the same time, I'm really impressed in the smoothness, the drinkability and overall flavour.
Overall Thoughts: Muskoka's Twice as Mad Tom DIPA isn't as bitter as one would think, but it's really really tasty at the same time, great amount of sweet caramel, floral hops, a bitterness that doesn't overpower - this is an IPA that should be in pubs all over the country on taps and in bottles anywhere. Just honestly.. I'm surprised. I love a bitter bitter IPA, but the smoothness yet balance of hops and other flavours really makes me want to buy a 6er of it and share with others.
It has 8.4% ABV, which is a bit of surprise as it tastes like something that's 6% tops. I will drink this again, and again. Props to Muskoka!
42 liens du 9 mai 2020
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