Another one from Buncy's Beer Fridge! Apparently this beer, Black Mammoth Winter Ale, was a rarity by Fernie Brewing, as it was supposed to be only sold at the brewery, but Buncy and his beer searching expertise was able to find it elsewhere, heck.. I couldn't even find it on the website.
Appearance: Pours a dark roasty porter-like beer, no head as I pour, but a thin beige/caramel ring along the side.
Aroma: The aroma immediately reminds me of Sleeman's Fine Porter, a nutty porteresque dark ale with a sweet scent perfuming (is that even a verb?) out of the glass. Rich cocoa, wood burning over a winter bonfire, and a bit of a smidge of orange peel.. but nowhere like the Whistler beer that tasted like Terry's Chocolate Orange. Some roasted malt like what you'd expect in a porter, but not too much.
Taste: A bit of a watery feel, but immediately there's a dark roasted malt taste to it, some dark chocolate, coffee and overall a wintery melody of darkness. There's a decent amount of sweetness, a smidge of caramel, a bit of alcohol and a bit of bitterness that's lingering on the tongue for aftertaste.
Overall Thoughts: Quite similar to many decent porters out there, but not as creamy/heavy. Has notes of roastiness, chocolate, and a smidge of orange peel. At 8%, it will definitely be a warmer-upper on a not-so-cold winter evening.
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