Paddock Wood released a limited release of Siné Nominé, which is a Belgian-style ale this past spring that has an 8% ABV and comes in a champagne-style 750mL corked bottle, allowing for the beer to be bottle fermented, like Unibroue's beers. Just reading up on this beer, it's brewed in a champagne style. Having tried a few other champagne-styled brewed beers in the past, I generally really liked them, so I'm looking forward to this one as well. Thanks Stephen!
Appearance: Pours a orange caramel/amber with a very decent amount of carbonation and fizzing taking place. As I'm pouring this beer gently, the head is collecting a great deal, the snow white head gently dimishes within a few minutes, allowing me to drink this beer without getting a foam moustache (cuz hey.. it's not movember quite yet!)
Aroma: The first thing I notice about the Siné Nominé is that it has a sweet, citrusy, fruity aroma compareable to a saison, a bit of lemon, and a bit of other various fruits. The Belgian yeast is quite dominant in this beer, giving it a bit of a sting to the nostril, just like a Unibroue beer would. There's a great presence of a chapagne sweetness to it as well. To me, aside from the champagne notes, this beer would be quite a bit compareable to a great Saison ale as the champagne notes just gives it a SLIGHT extra kick.
Taste: I've been savouring this for the past hour now and I quite love this. Its a sweet Belgian-style ale that starts off witha medley of fruit and lemon citrus. It has a very slight tingling champagne sensation along the tongue, as well as a BIT of champagne in the beer. The label on the beer lists this as a "light, softly, fruity Belgian style ale made with Clover flower extract", frankly - this isn't as light as the label states, it's quite sweet and not as light as expected.. which I enjoy in some Belgian ales.. but perhaps aging this a bit helped do this beer justice. The Belgian yeast gently hits the tongue and with the mellow, floral hops, leaves a gentle yet slightly stinging aftertaste. I don't really notice much of the clover, but it likely contributes to the hops as it is.

Edit: I wasn't the ONLY one who really enjoyed the beer, I had two wasps surrounding the beer, wanting to go for a sip/swim. One did, the other... not so much.
"celebrate the end of 4 years of unemployment"
This explains so much. ;p
Hi Cody,
Do you have an email address that you can be contacted through?
If you could afford to drink that much beer while unemployed, I can't imagine how many you're gonna drink now. Looking forward to the reviews.
Also, I met another anonymous reader of your blog tonight. Ha.
A lot of this is either hoard from a long time ago or friends bring me lots of their beer when in town.
Andrea, I tried to send you an email. Also, I noticed I accidentally called you the wrong name in the email, oops! That's what you get for running on no sleep!
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