Bonne fête Saint-Jean tout le monde!
If you are a beer geek, a beer snob or you just like beer, there is ALWAYS that one beer that changed your life in a beneficial way.
In my case, Unibroue's Trois Pistoles was that beer. Back in 2005, I was dabbling with different styles of beer.. I wasn't a big fan of darker beers but hey.. I wasn't too fussy either! Prior to trying Trois Pistoles, I wasn't generally a fan of Unibroue beers either. Well.. Blanche de Chambly was heaven to my tongue after a hard day at work, but the darker ales just were way too strong for me.
After forcing myself to drink several Trois Pistoles over the period of a few months, my palate adjusted to the taste and.. loved it! Now I can actually handle a La Find u Monde or Maudite.
What was the beer that changed your life?
With it being the weekend of St Jean Baptiste Day, I thought it would be a good time to review Trois Pistoles, just for old times sake, that and I never actually reviewed this beer before.
Appearance: It pours a rich dark brown, not near a porter in any way - more similar in appearance to a regular Dark Ale. Incredibly carbonated for a dark ale, it's fizzy and the head is diminishing quicker than most Unibroue beers. Has a nice beige/cream head that's there but minimal at best.
Aroma: Quite a sweet scent coming from the beer, it's a combination of dark fruits, quite a rich malty aroma kicking my nose - which isn't bad in any sense, a bit of a rum alcoholic zing and a smidge of chocolate.
Tatste: Quite a powerful taste in this beer, a bit sweet, malty, has a bit of a roastiness in said malt. Slightly chocolately and a decent balance of dark fruits in this beer. For the most part, I notice the famous Unibroue yeast playing with my palate.
Overall Thoughts: This is a beer that's difficult to pinpoint as the flavour and aroma is all over the map, malty, yeasty, chocolatey and even fruity. If you like a nice complex beer, you won't be disappointed. This isn't something that a finicky lager fan would enjoy as it's incredibly palate-hitting, not your dad's beer. If you are looking for a complex dark ale, this is a great beverage.
This does well around winter time, as it really warms up your body. Generally this beer is included in the Unibroue Taster pack nearly every year, as it is a very solid wintertime beer.
This costs $6.50 for a 650mL bottle, to some a bit pricey but with the ABV being 9% and the taste being complex and tasty - it's hard not to say no to this great Belgian styled dark ale!
Santé mes amis et bonne dégustation!
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