My single most popular article I have ever written wasn't a review of a Belgian Tripel or of a Manitoban Saison, nope - it was for a review of Anheuser-Busch InBev's Natty Daddy Malt Lager "drink."
So hey, after joking with a friend, I decided that it would be funny to do a project where I actually would occasionally review not-so-great beers. I call this Skunkworth's Barleyslime project. A combination of suggestions from Mike, Grant and myself. Barleyslime, as some of you can already tell - is a wordplay on barley wine, a style of beer that's just heavenly delicious.
Here we go!
The Budweiser Shot comes in a box of four 237mL cans, has a 7% alcohol content and comes at a price tag that's not much over $5.
After only a small brief sip of this Shot, my stomach started to hurt and that ONLY happens when I consume bad beer, so beware!
If you must try this beer, then don't say I didn't warn you. The fact that there's bits of dirt floating IN my beer makes it seem as if it's lower quality than standard A-B brews... Did they lease the Budweiser brand to Minhas?
Lastly, at $5-ish for a 4 pack of 237ml cans, this may be attractive to underage drinkers. I still remember seeing younger friends (when THEY were underage) drinking, they drank Molson Coldshots.
Next time on Skunkworth's Barleyslime: Coors Light Iced T? Who knows?! Only time will tell.
Horrible swill this stuff is... on the plus side I found your blog while trying to figure out if I had accidentally poisoned myself by drinking it.
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