Belgians make some of the absolute beer on the planet, in fact, I don't think I've ever had a bad Belgian beer in my life. Even Stella is drinkable, not great but drinkable.
Brouwerij Broeder Jacob has a beer here in Manitoba called Frere Jacques Bruin (Brune) dark ale, an abbey dubbel in fact. It comes in a painted and corked 750mL bottle.
Just looking at the bottle, you can tell that this is a quality beer. Well, in fact, it's quite pricey as well. It costs just over $10 for the 750mL bottle. Hopefully it will be worth every cent.
Appearance: Pours dark brown, similar to lots of Belgian style dark ales. The head is there with a bit of a beige/tan and it's not going anywhere. There's a decent amount of yeast sediment floating around in the beer, speckling the glass. If I was drinking this at age 19, my stomach would be turning right now!
Aroma: Somewhat malty and somewhat sweet and spicy, reminiscent of a rye and coke, as well a bit of a red wine aroma to it as well. Some caramel, quite a sweet/malty combination.
Taste: The aroma is somewhat noticeable in the taste as well as I can taste a bit of a flavour reminiscent of red wine and a bit of whisky thanks to the caramel malt. It has a flavour slightly compareable to something along the line of Unibroue's Trois Pistoles, but overall - this beer isn't something I've had before. It's quite an interesting flavour.. quite complex. The more that I drink this, the more I start to notice a bit of a roastiness in the flavour as well that quickly diminishes.
Overall Thoughts: Very complex beer as there is a lot going for it. I can't really compare it to any other beer. There's a bit of a red wine tartness in the aroma and taste, as well as a rye whisky sweetness thanks to the caramel malt. A bit of roasty flavour that hits the palate & diminishes immediately. I will likely buy this again one day, as a "I need a good beer" beer.
Honestly a quite interesting brew. I wouldn't pay $10 for this, but I would pay around $7-8 easily. The combination of flavours is quite interesting as it's a nice medley that I just can't really describe. If you like strong Belgian ales, you should check this out and share it with a buddy or two.
The Jacob Bruin has 7.5% ABV, costs just over $10 for a 750mL bottle and ingredients wise contains water, barley malt, sugar, hops, yeast and herbs.
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