I'll be the first to say that I'm not a fan of Eastern European beer. Generally they're bland, boring, malty, and just plain lagery. I saw this beer at the LC back in the fall and knew I had to try it.
Black Boss Porter by Browar Witnica is the first porter I've ever seen at the LC from Poland or Eastern Europe. I am a big fan of porters and stouts, and even in my younger days when I was first starting to drink beer, I didn't mind the taste and texture of a stout or porter.
Appearance: Thick and black like dark chocolate, bit creamy, creamy head with a bit of a creamy light brown colour to it, diminishes gradually over a few minutes.
Aroma: I'm thirsty, it's lightly roasted malt, a bit sweet, bit chocolatey and bit like coffee, just what I love in a good porter!
Taste: The first thing that hits me is the roasted malts. It's a combination of coffee, chocolate and everything that makes you love a good porter. This is delicious. It reminds me a bit of St Ambroise's Oatmeal Stout. Very very solid porter!
Overall thoughts: One of the best purchases I've ever made at the Liquormart. I bought this several months back but I know now I'll be buying many more of these. This has a nice roasty and chocolatey taste that you know and love about porters, creamy. Not only that, it's CHEAP! It is only $3.30 including tax for a 500mL bottle. not only that, it has an abv of 9.4%. So will likely get a buzz and save a good deal of money. Easily the best beer I've had from Poland or Eastern Europe yet. Very very solid porter. At the price point, I expected a half assed porter, nope.. pretty tasty!
42 liens du 9 mai 2020
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