It's the first time trying a beer by Brasseurs Illimités out of Saint-Eustache, Québec. Their first beer I've ever tried is the Simple Malt Cascade India Pale Ale.
The label describes the beer as riche et désaltérante misant sur un houblonnage typiquement américain basé sur le houbeau cascade spécialement aromatique, très citronné, très agrume; puissant et rafraichissant.
Translation: Rich and Refreshing IPA with a typically American hop based on Cascade hops. It is especially aromatic, citrusy, spicy (fruits), powerful and refreshing.
The description makes my mouth water. Let's check er out!
Appearance: Uh oh, foaming like crazy as soon as I pour it in the glass. Okay, now it's gone down. It's a nice brown colour with a bit of a grapefruit hue. Foam is quite yellow-creamy, much more yellow than most IPAs I've seen so far. Looks like a decent IPA to me.
Aroma: Citrusy hops is the overall smell, I smell grapefruit, good abundance of hops, and a bit of banana. Wow, that's a bit of a surprise
Taste: I was expecting more of a Half Pints' kind of IPA, a solid very citrusy IPA. This one is more of a bitter IPA, very hoppy inded, but not much of citrus. Toasty malts. It has a bit of a cardboard taste which is a bit weird, as well as a slight hint of caramel. If you are a fan of IPAs that generally prefers a citrusy IPA, this is not it. Much more bitter than I was expecting.
Overall Thoughts: A bitter hoppy IPA. Not a bad one, but compared to Half Pints', I'd have to stick with my Half Pints. It's something I would drink if I was in Quebec, but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy. It has an IBU of 66 and ABV of 6.4%, so a bit of warmth as you drink it. On the side of the bottle, it has information about the beer, how to serve the beer, at what temperature (10-12C) and what it's best drank for.
Simple Malt est une gamme de bières de dégustation qui puise son inspiration des grands chefs-oeuvre issus de différentes traditions brassicoles de notre monde. Chaque membre de la famille Simple Malt se veut aussi le reflet de nos propres influences et de nos critères de qualité, soit l'harmonie, l'équilibre, la générosité et la constance. À vous de partager notre passion pour cette noble boisson, en dégustant dans toutes ses déclinaisons la richesse des saveurs extraites du simple malt !
42 liens du 9 mai 2020
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4 years ago
Where'd you pick this one up?
I got it through a trade a while back. I heard that this brewery MAY be one of the brands that's going to make its way to MB soon, but I doubt it.. I'm still waiting on Dieu du Ciel.
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