In Saskatchewan, many Roughriders fans cheer for the football team by wearing a cut-out watermelon on the top of their head. It's a weird tradition that has been getting popular every year. Paddock Wood paid tribute to this by making the Melon Head beer, which is a Golden ale with an ABV of 5.2%.
When I first heard about the Melon Head, I expected a watermelon flavoured beer, but I was told immediately that it is not that at all. That may be disappointing to some, but I'll live.
Appearance: Pours very very pale clear golden colour, as you see in lighter Canadian beers. A bit of foam, off white. It's slowly going down.
Aroma: To me, it smells like.. burnt plastic. I know I smelled that before, but where? Oh yeah, it reminds me of the aroma of Fort Garry's Stone Cold. I'm trying to not be as judgemental as I could be, but that's what it reminds me of. It also has a bit of a very grainy smell.. if you've ever cleaned out graineries like I have, you would know that smell quite well. Also a bit of a pear sweetness in it.
Taste: Pretty boring. My least favourite of the 4 Paddock Wood beers I've tried this week. It reminds me of your standard macro ale. It has a slight amount of hops in it, so it gives it a slight bitterness that are not usually found in beers like Labatt 50. Slightly sweet, but not much. Pretty uninspiring.
Overall thoughts: Pretty boring. The aroma is a bit offputting for me, but I did enjoy that the beer had a bit of a hopiness in it, which is usually absent in most golden ales out there. This is the last beer in the series.
I decided to choose Melon Head to end the series because today's the Grey Cup, the Roughriders aren't in it, but the Blue Bombers are! Go Bombers!
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