Review: Blue Moon Honey Moon

Review: Blue Moon Honey Moon by Cody La Bière
As a beer hoarder, I go quite a while without trying beers in my fridge. So tonight I'm trying to change that.

Now I'm trying Blue Moon's Honey Moon Summer Ale, which is a product of Molson Coors in USA. It's a pretty "meh" domestic beer as expected.

Appearance: Very golden lager in appearance, white head.

Aroma: Hint of honey in the aroma, citrus (lemon) and a bit of wheat.

Taste: Taste-wise, pretty underwhelming. Tastes like the usual American golden ale, barely noticeable honey taste, and a bit of citrus. Pretty meh. But compared to a beer like Coors Light or Molson Canadian, it's sure better.

Overall Thoughts: One word: "Meh." It's not horrible, but it's not great either. You can really tell that it's a Coors product just by looking at it. A bit of honey in it, but not anything spectacular, more citrusness than honey. Very golden. Very domestic. 5.2% ABV

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