I find Russell Brewing's beers hit or miss, but I respect any brewery that pushes out micros as often as they possibly can to keep beer connoisseurs happy.
Tonight's selection is Russell's IP'eh! India Pale Ale. I'm a lover of IPAs so I'm looking forward to this. This is $5.50 for a 650mL bottle, has an ABV of 6.5% and IBU of 53. So let's do this thing!
Appearance: Nice painted label, with a maple leaf logo paying tribute to the 1972 Team Canada hockey team. Pours a rich honey brown, eggshell white foam.. so far it seems like an IPA.
Aroma: Citrusy hops, that's what I'm talking about. When I smell lots of hoppiness in an IPA, it makes me salivate.
Taste: Very bitter and acidic. The bitterness of the hops lingers on your tongue after you swallow the beer. It's missing a bit of that citrus zing I'm used to in most IPAs. It may be a bit TOO bitter for my liking.
Overall thoughts: A bit too bitter tasting for my liking, but still drinkable. I probably will buy it again because I'm a bit IPA fan, and it's pretty rare to see individual portion bottles of IPA in the LC.
From the label: Russell IP'eh! Quirky name - serious taste!
WORLD CUP BRONZE MEDAL WINNER 2010. This classic English-style India Pale Ale is well-balanced with exceptional drinkability. Generously hopped with Pacific North West Cascade and Willamette hops and finished with a dry hopping of Cascade flowers. Caramel and toffee notes, from specialty English Malts, anchor the bitterness and deliver a well-balanced finish.
Russell IP'eh! is part of the Russell Brewmaster Series which is a succession of small batch beers crafted for an unconventional beer drinker.
Russell Brewing has been brewing premium craft beer since 1995. Our beer is 100% natural and has no preservatives. We dont pasturize which means that we don't kill the taste - you drink it the way it is brewed. Fanatical about beer, we believe that the passion and quality that goes into creating Russell beer comes through in the taste. Enjoy!
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