Review: Neighbourhood Johnny's Premium Pale Ale

Neighbourhood Brewing Johnny's Pale AleToday's sampling is Johnny's Premium Pale Ale by Neighbourhood Brewing out of Penticton, BC. Johnny's is a crisp and clean Pale Ale that is inspired by our travels and simpler times. It is a highly crushable beer, with a classic copper colour and a modern touch of hops. It's not just a Pale Ale, it's a premium Pale Ale. It's Johnny approved! 4.5% ABV/37 IBU

One thing that entices me to pick up a beer by its design is anything that a label reminiscent of 70s-80s "your father's fave beer" kind of designs and this has the kind of look to it.

Appearance: Pours a murky, mostly opaque caramel body with a moderate amount of carbonation in the body, as well as a nice thick off-whiteish head on top. The head diminishes pretty gradually, leaving behind a lacing on the glass. 

Aroma: Notes of caramel malt right from the beginning, a moderate bitterness from the hops to give it a bit of pine, hint of lemon, and a bit of grapefruit at the end. Pretty straight-forward Pale Ale so far.

Taste: Moderate sweetness of caramel like we saw in the aroma, a slight soapiness to it, notes of grapefruit, pine, and lemon. Not overly hoppy nor overly malty but definitely flavourful for 4.5% ABV.

Overall Thoughts: It's got your sweetness from the malt profile and hops, as well as a moderately bitterness from the hops. More bitter than what I was expecting but I haven't had an American Pale Ale in a long time, but pretty flavourful for under 5%.

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