Review: Dageraad Antigoon Belgian-Style Strong Golden Ale

Dageraad AntigoonToday's sampling is Dageraad's Antigoon, a Belgian-style Strong Golden Ale. 9.0% ABV.

From the can: A giant in a can, Antigoon pours a pale golden colour with a towering head. Herbal hop notes and fruity yeast esters will hit your nose before the dry, crisp and deceptively light beer hits your palate. Antigoon will make you feel like you're just a hand's throw from Antwerp.

Appearance: This is a mildly cloudy Blonde Belgian ale that has a lot of carbonation going on. There's a lot off bubbly in the body, as well as a very healthy thickness of off-white head on top. I've given the beer a few minutes and the head diminishes a tad, but not much at all. There's a very nice layered lacing as the beer gets sampled.

Aroma: Quite a sweet-forward Strong Golden Ale with pear, honey, a bit of spice to it (pepper, coriander), and a hint of citrus (lemon) at the end. 

Taste: Fairly dry, quite a sweet-forward beer again. Honey, a hint of bubble gum and a slightly grassy hop presence. Definitely boozy so this is a slow sipper. Again, a bit spiced with pepper and coriander. As it warms up I get a bit of leafiness from the hops instead of just the grassiness, and a hint of lemon. Antigoon tickles the tongue a lot but isn't burning in any way. Aftertaste is a hint of pear. 

Overall Thoughts: Does this bring me back memories of being in Antwerp? This is almost exactly what I was drinking at the now-closed Duvel Bar (next door to De Koninck taproom). I think my tastes have changed since COVID.. I love Tripels and Belgian Strong Golden Ales but they're just too sweet for me now.

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